Great December Fishing in Kona

Blue Marlin Fishing in Kona wins family honors for Jeff Flores’s 502 Pounder

The best Marlin Fishing in Kona!  Jeff and Bernadette Flores are the new family champions now that Jeff has a 502lb Pacific Blue Marlin under his belt.  While Bernadette’s family are avid Marlin fishermen, they have also fished around the world for tuna and other billfish species.  The men in her family have always had the family record for big fish.  When they saw photos of Jeff’s fish, they thought it was a prop.  They could not believe the size of his trophy.  A proud day in the Flores household!

Mahi Mahi Fishing Explosion!

These are some photo’s of our day fishing for mahi mahi  yesterday when we came across a “Floater” (big cargo rope with growth on it) with dozens of Mahi Mahi under it. We caught 18 mahi mahi with the smallest being 14 pounds and the largest 22 pounds. We broke off or just plain lost another 20 or so mahi mahi. The “vacu seal” is going to get some work from this.

fishing in kona hawaii

mahi mahi fishing

Come join us Mahi Mahi fishing in Kona!!!

A Shark Stole My Fish

From our guest Brendan on our Facebook:

“Glad I came upon your Facebook Page! It’s been over a year since that day I went out with you on the Fire Hatt but I remember it like it was yesterday. The Ono was the biggest fish I’ve ever caught but never landed. LOL When the shark took it, technically I had two fish on one hook! You don’t see that everyday and you don’t pull your dinner from the mouth of a shark everyday either. What an incredible experience. I’ll never forget it. You guys are the best. Thanks!”

A Shark Stole My Fish

A Shark Stole My Fish

560 lb Blue Marlin Kona Fishing

590 lb Blue Marlin at the Hawaiian Invitational Billfish Tournament

560 lb Blue Marlin Kona FishingOn day three of the Hawaiian Invitational Billfish Tournament, angler Steve Spina along with team member Sam Spinella with the Malibu Marlin Club weighed in a 590 lb Pacific Blue Marlin while fishing aboard the FIRE HATT.  Steve fought the fish for just over two hours.  The fish was taken on a favorite lure of theirs that captured a 560lb Blue Marlin for Sam the previous year during this same tournament.

157 lb Ahi Tuna

157 lb Ahi Tuna Fishing Kona

157 lb Ahi Tuna

Ken and Zale Benton from Gloversville, NY landed a 157 lb Ahi Tuna while fishing on the Fire Hatt with Captain Chuck and Linda Wilson.  We had an early bite that was believed to be a Spearfish that did not stick.  After lines were reset and the anticipation was high…another strike!  Ken fought the Ahi 34 minutes before landing his prize.

Wes Godfrey Releases his 350lb Blue Marlin

Wes and Eileen Godfrey from San Antonio, TX were aboard the FIRE HATT in Kona, Hawaii, when his fish hit the short rigger and never stopped!  Wes fought his fish for an impressive 30 minutes before we successfully released it.  Wes certainly has a great story to take home with him! Anytime you want to come fishing in Kona again Wes and Eileen, give us a shout and we would be happy to take you out again.

Two Blue Marlin Released – Kona Fishing

Today we set out on a Kona fishing trip with a couple of Canadians!

Fifteen minutes after leaving the harbor a 425 lb Blue Marlin hit the short corner bait and exploded in the air while everyone on the boat was watching the lures! The fish put on a spectacular aerial show .  James McKeachie from BC Canada successfully angled the fish to the boat in 41 minutes for a healthy release. Twenty minutes later in the same area another Blue Marlin came up behind the stinger line and swam with it for several seconds while we teased it into biting! Terry Green, also from BC successfully released his fish after just 39 minutes.  A great day was had by all.

400+ lb Blue Marlin Release

John and his son Kyle enjoyed two days of fishing aboard FIRE HATT while visiting from Vienna, VA.  On the first day about an hour before the trip was over, the short rigger went off!  After about 45 minutes Kyle had his 400+ lb Blue Marlin to the boat.  After a successful release by crewman Todd Barrett the marlin swam into the deep.  Not wanting to be out done by his son, John was the angler on day two… only to land a Mahi Mahi that would not take the record held by Kyle.

Largest Marlin for the 2010 Hawaii Rock N Reel Tournament

560.5 lb Pacific Blue Marlin at Hawaii Rock N Reel Tournament

Largest Marlin for the 2010 Hawaii Rock N Reel Tournament

2010 Hawaii Rock N Reel Tournament

Captain Chuck Wilson, Deck Hand JD Hudson and Angler Linda Wilson along with teammates and longtime fishermen Russel and Deborah Witman from Redondo Beach, CA took Largest Marlin for the 2010 Hawaii Rock N Reel Tournament.

669 lb Blue Marlin at the Keauhou Yacht Club Tournament

669 marlin fishing kona

Captain Chuck Wilson along with the crew of Team Fire Hatt (Linda Wilson, Capt Bomboy and JD Hudson) entered the Keauhou Yacht Club Tournament on April 2nd and caught a 669-pound Blue Marlin to smoke the rest of the field.  Anglers Barbara Masters and Betty Eavis tag-teamed the fish and basked in the glory of holding the Big-Fish-Lead until receiving word of JR’s Hooker 3-pound advantage the following day. The anglers fought the fish for a little over an hour.