
Fishing in KONA HAWAII – The Anglers Paradise

Fishing in KONA HAWAII – The Anglers Paradise, I wonder which October will show up in 2012? We have not had our usual warm water yet in 2012 and just like the last two years, October may bring us the warmest water of the year, or not.  Funny about that Mother Nature thing, and the more you think you can predict future pattern, the more it seems you get fooled.  Today in mid-September, we had 81 degree Ocean water temps, almost two degrees cooler than last year at this time.  If our last two years pattern holds, we should see 83 degree water temps and an increase in big Blue Marlin hook-ups so come on over to Hawaii and get in on thelate season bite.  Several big Blue Marlin were caught over the last two days with a couple over 600 and three over 400 so the big ones are still here.  There are still Ono (Wahoo) around and even a 100 pound Striped Marlin was caught two days ago.  It is a mixed bag and I sure hope the numbers of bites rise with some warm water.   In October, we can expect, barring Mother Nature’s curve balls, to see great fishing since all this warmth and bait are here.  There should also be lot’s of 50 plus into 200 pound Ahi here.  There have been some Ono (Wahoo) also taken on the ledges.  You just gotta love the year round big game fishing in KONA – The Anglers Paradise.

Expect mid 80 degree highs and just plain wonderful weather in October.  Give us a call, we would look forward to taking you out on a great Hawaiian Ocean adventure.   See this story and many others in COASTAL ANGLER MAGAZINE

Good Luck for the Soon to Be Groom

A guys day out before the Big Day proves to be very lucky for the groom and his soon to be brother in law.  Danny and Anthony along with their Dads  John and Tony boarded Fire Hatt for a day of family fishing just like every one of our guests…hoping for a little action!  Let me tell you about how much action…  Shortly after the chair talk while I was headed to an area where I had been seeing fish and had a few bites the day before, the long rigger is bit.  We are hooked up! Considered to be Good Luck for the Soon to Be Groom, Danny is in the chair first.  He should after all have the first fish.   The bite turns out to be an Ono.  A rouge Ono in the deep!  Danny brings the fish to the boat in just minutes and the lines are put back out.  We continue to scout the area until we are bit again.  This time the short corner is bit.  Hooked Up again!  This time it is the real thing!  A nice Blue Marlin took Linda’s favorite Hi-5 lure.  As Tony is getting in the chair the fish is screaming off line.  After a 30 minute fight, the fish is to the boat and is tail wrapped in the line.  We are able to quickly get the fish turned around and remove the hooks.  With determined effort, the 200 pound Marlin is revived and swims away healthy.  The Ono was Danny’s first and the Blue Marlin was Tony’s first.  The group were experienced fishermen from Florida and this was their first time fishing in Kona Hawaii.  I don’t think it will be their last…..   The Groom was able to bring fresh Ono to the family that evening.

One Day Was Not Enough Fishing in Kona

A swing and a miss!  Sightings of fish either jumping in front of us or in the distance, we could not get one to go!  This group of six friends and family came to fish Kona last week.  They booked their family fishing trip a few months ahead of time and anticipated the trip from then on.  The group arrived early and we headed out.  We had so much fun with this group from the time they boarded till they departed that afternoon.  Linda was the deckhand today, she was a busy girl. The day was just getting started when one of the girls spotted a tuna roll out to the side of the boat, I turned that way and in seconds we are hooked up with the line peeling off the reel. Unfortunately it dropped it after a couple of seconds. We ended up having an excellent day with porpoises swimming beside the boat, great snorkeling in Captain Cook Bay and many sightings of fish, even a huge blue marlin jumping 50 feet in front of boat.  This proved to be so much fun for them that they called the next day and ask if we had an opening so they could go again because one day was not enough fishing in Kona ….we did!  Needless to say, the second day was equally fun with no fish to report.  They are good sports and assured us they are avid fishermen and women and understand you don’t catch all the time.

Lucky Linda Lure is Back!

Today we had the Sorenson’s,  a “Ready to Fish” family from Arizona aboard Fire Hatt full of energy and true Team Spirit, right down to the neon yellow team shirts they were sporting!  They self labeled themselves as the “Highlighters”.  Today it was all about Mom (Amy) getting a fish.  Sooo, Linda had Mom in the chair with the rest of the family closely listening while she went through the run down.  We are ready!  Now all we have to do is wait for the fish.  There had been a couple of Blue Marlin releases today and reports of Ahi and Spearfish too.  Nothing for us by lunchtime…..ouch.  There had been a lot of bait at “F” and “C” buoys the last few days so our plan was to check them out first.  As we approached each buoy and talked to a few of the other Captains, it was apparent that the Steno Dolphin were around both buoys today so we kept moving.  It is impossible to land a fish with these Rough Toothed thieves around.  We changed out lures a couple of times hoping to put something out that would interest a fish.  Finally, Amy ask which line had the Lucky Linda Lure on it?  Well, it wasn’t out.  It had not been bit in a couple of weeks and was not in the lineup.  So with the suggestion from Amy that we run it, it was put into the pattern on the long corner where it likes to run.  The family had gone to the bow of the boat to take a few photos and hang out for a while when the fish hit!   You can probably guess the rest of the story.  The Lucky Linda is bit!  We are Hooked Up!  Everyone is trying to get to the cockpit as line is screaming off.  With the bite almost into the backing, Mom suggests that Stephen aka Dad get in the chair.  Stephen fights the fish effortlessly and brings in the family’s prized Shortbill Spearfish!  The Lucky Linda Lure is Back!  Now we still have to satisfy the need for Amy to get her fish, I think they will be back to fish again in Kona Hawaii.

Featured in the photo above is the Sorenson Family proudly displaying their team colors and the Spearfish Flag.

Fishing From One Extreme to Another

Fishing From One Extreme to Another is not a challenge for Mark and his family from Fairbanks Alaska.  It is an adventure.  Mark, his wife and daughters are on a return trip to fish Kona Hawaii on Fire Hatt.  Last time around Mark brought in a few small Tunas.  This time around it was a nice Shortbill Spearfish…. next time he is wanting a nice Big Blue Marlin.  Mark and his family are avid fishermen/ladies in their home state with numerous Salmon over 20 lbs and many, many Halibut.  The largest Halibut weighing in at over 50lbs on light tackle… As I looked at the photos proudly presented on their camera I couldn’t help but comment on how many layers of clothing they were wearing and how happy they looked fishing in the bitter cold!  As they are putting aloe on this weeks sunburns they are thinking how much they don’t want to leave the beautiful tropical sun behind.  Actually, they have another day booked to fish before they head home. Mark really wants a Blue Marlin, I Hope the Fish Gods are listening.

Wahoo! Fishing in Kona Hawaii

Wahoo! Fishing in Kona Hawaii. One word sums up today.  Textbook.  Rick and his family from Massachusetts boarded the Fire Hatt for a fun filled day of fishing down to Captain Cook Bay, getting in the water for a little snorkeling adventure and then fishing back to the harbor.  On the way down the coast, one line goes down, then another, then another.  J.T. is in the chair, Mom Peggy and Rick are fighting theirs out of the gunnells.  We call this “Controlled Chaos”.  Three lines hooked up, three fish landed.  Everyone is still excited about their morning catch as they are getting into the incredibly clear pacific blue water to snorkel.  With much anticipation about the trip back up the coast, and Suzie the only one that has not caught a fish, we leave the cove and put lines back in the water.  Heading offshore this time to hopefully find a Blue Marlin, we are hooked up again, Suzie is in the chair and she brings in her prize.  Her first Wahoo! (Also known as “Ono” here in Hawaii)Suzie’s parents now realize they have just created a fishergirl for life!  She couldn’t get enough and her excitement was a sheer joy to watch.  I think we will see this family again….

Father and Son Tag Team Releases 500+ lb Blue Marlin (VIDEO)

Father and Son Tag Team Releases 500+ lb Blue Marlin.  As the Froehlich Family boarded the Boat it was evident that the avid fisherman of the group was Mike’s son, Cole.  Dad and the family was along for the ride.  Cole’s largest fish to date is a 20 lb freshwater species.  The family had never been fishing in Kona Hawaii.  Once we left the harbor for todays adventure we had Cole in the fighting chair giving him the rundown on the do’s and don’ts on bringing in these fish.  Now the morning had passed without a single bite.  It was starting to weigh on all of us.  As we cruised in the warm tropical sun, lures had been changed out, we changed depths and direction, still nothing.  Then we made the turn and headed back to the harbor.  As we passed another boat that is skippered by Lure Maker Bomboy Llanes the short corner lure just exploded! We are hooked up!  A big Blue Marlin hit a “One on One” lure ironically made by Bomboy!  Karma!  The fish jumped 6 ft out of the water and put on quite a show.  Cole is in the fighting chair giving it all he has when shortly into the fight it is evident that he needs a little help.  Dad steps up and helps bring in the fish.  Earlier I had explained to our guests that the fish here, especially the Blue Marlin are “World Class Athletes” and are difficult to stop.  It is not uncommon for more than one angler to take a turn at fighting the fish of a life time.  This is a prime example of the sheer strength of the Blue Marlin.  After a 53 minute fight on a custom 50lb Marsuura Reel, Mike has the fish to the boat and Adam quickly grabs the leader and gently brings the fish to the side.  It was another textbook tag and release.  The fish is tired but is revived and swims away.  The wonderful memories shared by this Father and Son Tag Team duo hopefully will be remembered and shared for a lifetime. After all, It was Cole that was at the helm with me being given an opportunity to see what it was like to steer a boat when the fish hit.

Local Lady Angler Lands Shortbill Spearfish

Local Lady Angler Lands Shortbill Spearfish.  Kay Kolt, a passionate angler that resides on the Big Island brought along several friends for a day of fishing.  Kay managed to land a nice 30 lb Shortbill Spearfish while being jolted awake from a short snooze.  It was late in the afternoon, sandwiches had been eaten and there had been a lull in activity since two small Big Eye tuna were caught earlier by Steve Landis.  Everyone had their turn at “Being Up” when the short rigger line went off.  We are Hooked Up!  Kay was out of the salon and in the chair fighting the fish as if she had been sitting there all along….She appeared out of knowhere!  With her expert knowledge of the local fishing techniques, she had the Shortbill Spearfish to the boat in minutes.  Crewman Adam Ludwig gaffed the prize and immediately was able to control the fish and let everyone get photos.   See that smile,  for Kay  it is the same one if she brings in a Blue Marlin, Mahi Mahi, Spearfish or any species!  She is considered our good luck charm.  Having been out on the Fire Hatt several times and having fished many of the local tournaments with us, and other boats over the years,  she is very lucky, that Lady Luck thing…. Kay has fished all over the world and has several “Trophy” fish to be proud of.  Though this is not her largest spearfish, it was just as trilling!

Big Eye Tuna Family Style

Big Eye Tuna Family Style.  Cliff, Elise, Connor and Dalton are visiting the Big Island from Arizona.  A typical family with a not so typical fishing adventure!  Just after Adam gives 13 year old Conner the “chair talk”, we are just begining to enjoy the beautiful fruit and muffin platter that Linda prepares for each charter, when the bait rod goes screaming off, then the short rigger, then the stinger, then the long corner!  We refer to this event as Organized Chaos!   With Conner in the chair and (Mom) Elise assisting him, Dalton is fighting his fish on the short rigger rod with Dad (Cliff) fighting his on the long Corner.  The bait rod line has now been broken off….  Adam and Linda are clearing the rest of the rods and preparing the deck.  The first fish comes in, a very nice BIG EYE TUNA!  Then Dalton’s line goes slack…Shark Bite!  One Big Eye Tuna was sacrificed.  We then land the last fish, another nice Big Eye Tuna.  With our guests eyes wide and their smiles big, we secure the Tunas and put lines back in the water.  Before the Tuna bite, we had been in a nice bird pile with lots of bait.  Now there are about 15 boats on scene… the fish are pushed down and we notice no other boats are hooked up.  Linda spots the bird pile a few miles away and we light it up and head for it!  We are back in the zone and now two lines are screaming.  Elise is in the chair.  She is the true fisherman of the family and desperately wanted a shot at a fish.  Wellll, she got it!  One fish is lost to another shark and her’s is still on.  Elise lands her Big Eye Tuna and we are now concentrating on getting Dalton a fish.  Remember, his was sacrificed earlier to a shark.  As we continue to concentrate on the area, we spot a tailing Blue Marlin.  I turn the boat and put the lures right in front of him.  He goes for the stinger line.  While Adam is teasing him in,  the Marlin hits it and does not stick!  I call it a “swing and a miss“.  Now we are heading back in for the day and we are bit again, a Blue Marlin attacks the stinger line again and does not stick…aargh!  And so the story ends with five hook-ups, three boated Big Eye Tuna, two happy, well fed Sharks and two missed Blue Marlin.  Not bad for a day on the water.  Did I mention beautiful Blue Hawaii water?

Featured in the above photo is Captain Chuck Wilson, Conner, Elise, Dalton and Cliff.  Adam and Linda were busy….

Captain’s Bomboy Llanes and Lloyd Potter Don’t Disappoint

Captain’s Bomboy Llanes and Lloyd Potter Don’t Disappoint Linda and I as we were off Island for three weeks in February.  Along with our Crewman Adam Ludwig the Captain’s stepped in and graciously took many of our guests out.  We had constant contact several times a day from the crew filling us in on what we were missing.  Their first day out rewarded them with a Blue Marlin about 200 lbs and each day was followed by lots of activity.   It was bittersweet getting the information.  I was on the mainland teaching classes to Fire Fighters in Northern CA, Southern CA and Arizona.  Linda met up with me and spent some time in Redondo Beach and then headed to Texas to spend time with family.  The Crew consistantly entertained our guests and provided excellent service.  All you boat owners out there can only imagine the feeling of walking away from a boat you love and leaving it in the hands of someone else.  I have to say that my experience was without a doubt as satisfying as I could have hoped for.  Thank You Guys!  I can’t forget to mention Chet Chiara behind the scenes.  Chet made sure the crew had plenty of ice every day and provided them with fresh fruit and muffins daily.  Chet lives in Anchorage Alaska and was crew when we brought in the unbelievable 978.5 lb Pacific Blue Marlin last March.  We were able to enjoy our time off Island knowing our business was in good hands.

Adam Ludwig and Captain Bomboy Llanes (Bomboy Lures) featured in photo.